Scholarship Opportunity with GHS Federal Credit Union



GHS Federal Credit Union is offering local high school seniors two exclusive opportunities to win scholarships for college. Now through January 7, 2023, we will be accepting applications to the New York Credit Union Association’s statewide credit union college scholarship program and the GHS Federal Credit Union scholarship program offering multiple opportunities for dollars.

To be eligible, students must be high school seniors attending two- or four-year accredited educational institutions for the first time in the fall of 2023. They must also be members of GHS Federal Credit Union.

GHS presents 4 scholarships in 2022 to high school students in our community.

Last year, this program awarded $33,750 in scholarships to 45 students across New York. GHS Federal Credit Union has joined the New York Credit Union Association to offer this scholarship opportunity to our membership. In addition, GHS awarded 4 high school seniors from local schools with dollar amounts from $500 to $2,000.

Applicants will be judged based on academic achievements, extracurricular and community activities, and the quality of written essays.

GHS Federal Credit Union strives to support our local community and membership and believes in equal opportunities for our members to thrive. Our mission is to help our community achieve financial wellness, and avoiding debt is an important step in attaining that goal. For young adults building on the foundations of their financial situations, debt – especially student loan debt – can put the upcoming generation at a disadvantage. Additionally, one of the biggest barriers for students interested in continuing education is cost and fear of going too far into debt. Scholarship opportunities are an important way in which we can assist our members and encourage financial health. GHS Federal Credit Union is proud to join the New York Credit Union Association in offering opportunities such as this one to local students.

Students can take advantage of this opportunity by completing these steps:

  1. Contact GHS to obtain a credit union verification code to verify eligibility – call (800) 732-4447. If the student is not a member of GHS Federal Credit Union, he/she can become a member by opening an account. (All scholarship applicants are required to be members of a participating New York credit union.)

  2. Complete the online application form and required essay and obtain the required transcripts, along with the signature of a parent or guardian.

  3. Upload and submit the completed application and supportive materials online no later than January 7, 2023.

There is no fee for submitting an application, but applicants MUST be:

  • members of GHS Federal Credit Union;

  • college-bound high school seniors at the time of application; and

  • attending either a two- or four-year accredited educational institution for the first time in the fall of 2023.

In early spring, applications will be judged against other submissions statewide. Winners will be announced in May.

For more information about the scholarship program, contact Marketing at GHS Federal Credit Union

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